Social work combines community organizing, counseling, research, politics, and teaching into one intense profession, the main goal of which is to improve the well-being of individuals and communities. Many social workers choose their profession because of the strong personal, emotional, and moral dedication that the feel towards helping those in need and striving toward equal treatment of people across socioeconomic strata. There is a vibrant community of bloggers who write about social work, as well as a large system of associations and organizations for social workers in different specialties that offer networking opportunities through websites and online communities.
These sites have great professional and educational resources for anyone who is interested in social work as a career, a calling, or a field of study.
Social Work Organizations
There are many local and international associations both for social workers and their clients, and many government agencies employ social workers as well, making it relatively easy to meet other social workers online and find an association related to your specialty.
National Association of Social Workers Foundation
The NASWF is an organization that supports NASW’s educational and charitable initiatives through a wide range of projects that serve the entire social work community, including the public. Several goals include rapid response to social crises, social policy and practice issues, and support of cutting-edge continuing education.
Helpful Post: Search for Pioneers
International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care
IAHPC works solely to collaborate and improve the quality of life for patients with advanced life-threatening conditions by advancing hospice and palliative care programs. This is a global organization that also focuses on the family.
Helpful Post: Contributions to Palliative Care
National Association for Rural Mental Health
NARMH focuses on serving the field of rural mental health across the spectrum that ranges from consumers to policy makers. The focus on rural communities allows this organization to improve access and to develop trust for their services in many rural areas.
Helpful Post: Article Archives
School Social Work Association of America
Many people fail to realize that school social work is one of the most dynamic practice specialties within social work today. This organization supports school social workers through professional development, advocacy, professional resources, and education.
Helpful Post: Promoting School Social Work
National Organization for Victim Assistance
NOVA is the oldest national victim assistance organization in the U.S. that is focused on compassion for crime and crisis victims. NOVA has been recognized for its excellence in stewardship and in service.
Helpful Post: Crime Victim Rights
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization in America, and was noted by Worth magazine as one of “America’s 100 Best Charities.” One of its many programs, the National Sexual Assault Hotline, is a nationwide partnership of over 1,100 local rape treatment hotlines that provides victims with free and confidential services 24/7.
Helpful Post: Types of Sexual Violence
The Intervention Organization
One way to convince addicts that they may need help is through intervention, where loved ones confront the addict with their truths about the addiction. This organization provides help, education, and resources that can help anyone learn about the intervention process.
Helpful Post: Resources
Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care
The over 700 members of SSWLHC are dedicated to promoting universal availability and accessibility of health care that addresses psychosocial components of health and illness. This organization provides a voice for advocacy, inclusiveness, stewardship, and ethics as well as creativity and ability to adapt to a constantly changing environment.
Helpful Post: Resources
Social Worker Blogs
Many of these blogs are written by and about social workers, though some are the official web presence of social work, mental health, and medical organizations with relevant content to social workers doing research online.
Social Work Helper
This online magazine also provides a free platform for a professional networking community of practitioners and students from the helping professions. This site has active users from across the globe who seek to collaborate, engage, and support each other.
Helpful Post: 5 Useful Apps for Social Work Students
Social Work/Social Care & Media
SWSCmedia serves as a platform for practitioners and academics to share innovations, opportunities, and other issues as they pertain to social work or social care. This site is an open access knowledge and learning community that welcomes all perspectives, ideas, and theories.
Helpful Post: What’s Ahead for Social Work This Coming Year? Opinion Piece by Dr. Nancy Smyth – A #SWSCmedia debate
Experience Social Work
Join the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work Community as they share their insights about academics, field experience, involvement, and career development. The guides offer themselves freely to answer questions from any reader.
Helpful Post: Concluding Reflections: Environmental Conservation, Health, & Social Work
The Social Work Blog
This insightful blog is just one of many under the “Community Care” umbrella. Although the blog focuses on Britain’s social care workforce, the constantly updated articles are powerful tools for anyone who works in this field.
Helpful Post: Returning to social work after maternity leave
Christina’s Considerations
Christina Thielst is a hospital administrator who has developed a reputation over the years as a person who cares about patient experiences, health information, helpful technologies, and other health and wellness issues. Her blog focuses on these topics along with a healthy list of other health blog links.
Helpful Post: New Tools for Emergencies: Social Media
JaeRan Kim
JaeRan Kim is an active blogger and student who is working toward her PhD in social work. As a first-generation immigrant to the U.S., a person of color, a feminist, and a mother of two children — including one child diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome — she brings a special perspective to her concerns about social justice.
Helpful Post: Taking care of yourself and each other
Social Workers Speak
If you’re concerned about how the entertainment industry and news media depicts the social work profession, this site provides you with a chance to influence changes. Sponsored by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), this site helps producers and writers understand more about the social work profession.
Helpful Post: Film Demonstrates How Music Enlivens Elderly with Dementia
The New Social Worker Online
This quarterly magazine for social work students and recent grads focuses on social work careers, especially for those individuals who are new to the profession. This blog is an excellent source of links, jobs, news, and other tools that the new social worker might need.
Helpful Post: GUEST POST: How To Bring Conversations to a Screeching Halt
Michigan Girl’s Cafe
This graduate student’s blog concentrates on grad school, career advice, and topics relevant to her studies, which include higher education and social work. Her passion is about social justice, and she’s keyed in on macro social work, or a focus on changing larger social systems.
Helpful Post: Review: Essentials of Social Work Policy Practice
Social Work Career Development
Dorlee M, MBA, MSW, shares her experiences in her process of becoming a clinical social worker. She shares career advice, resources, and interviews with social workers and psychologists working in various mental health fields, and her easy-to-use site provides tons of resources for the new and experienced social worker.
Helpful Post: 20 Interview Questions Every Social Worker Needs to Know
Vantage Point Therapy
Nate Prentice, MSW, LCSW, CAS-PC, is a licensed clinical social worker and pastoral counselor who has helped thousands of people cope with life. His blog showcases his ability to help lead people out of suffering to “living,” with counseling and his skills in clinical hypnosis and in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).
Helpful Post: Find your shadow, and focus on it, not others.
Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian (N.A.H.)
Relando Thompkins, MSW, is on a mission to help build more equitable and inclusive communities through his blog, written work, film, video, and conversation. His goal to live a life that benefits others is evident in this blog, which is a rich and thoughtful resource on social justice.
Helpful Post: Dr. King’s Final Speech: “I Have Been to the Mountaintop”
Everyone Needs Therapy
“TherapyDoc” has a sense of humor and a spot-on insight into human conditions. This blog is a reflection on a myriad of issues — some dark, some very, very dark — but all articles contain insight, enlightenment, and encouragement in changing that dark to some inkling of light.
Helpful Post: Being insane, college, and defining normal
What a Shrink Thinks
“What a Shrink Thinks” offers her thoughts on psychotherapy, clinical psychology, and various maladies treated by psychotherapists. Follow this “shrink” on Facebook and Twitter, and touch base with her if you are a clinician interested in clinical supervision in New York City.
Helpful Post: Demigods on Eggshells
This is Me
A licensed clinical social worker writes a blog about herself, but in reality her focus is on self awareness. Read on to learn more about her, and — in the process — learn more about yourself.
Helpful Post: Challenging Perfectionism
The Political Social Worker
This blog is about changing larger institutions through community organization and advocacy. Rachel L. West, MSW, LMSW, the author of this blog, compiles articles and advocacy events from various resources to help offer a perspective on her advocacies.
Helpful Post: Giving Social Work a Voice
Katie Malinski
Katie is a licensed clinical social worker in Texas who works with children, adolescents, and their families. Her blog focuses on issues that affect today’s families, including divorce, drugs, grief, and resources for parents.
Helpful Post: Take a Deep Breath and Ask for What You Want
Hope Forward: Surviving and Thriving through Emotional Pain
A psychotherapist blogs about “hanging in, holding on and moving forward…” with thoughts about life, love, therapy, and other issues that affect individuals’ daily lives. The author, Melissa Groman, LCSW, focuses especially on individual and marital counseling, eating disorders, and healing emotional pain.
Helpful Post: Self Centered Fear
Change Therapy
Isabella Mori is a counselor in Vancouver, where she concentrates on clients with eating disorders, chronic pain, and depression. Her ideas, such as the ‘life resume,’ provide interesting suggestions for anyone who wants to achieve more self awareness.
Helpful Post: Life Resume
The Social Issue
Saba Salman, a social affairs journalist and commissioning editor, runs this blog about people, places, and projects that are making a difference in society. Readers can find topics such as community projects, social enterprises, charity work, political issues, housing, eldercare, and other social work news.
Helpful Post: Disability history: “I quite clearly remember being tied to the cot sides”
A family social worker in the Bronx loves her job, but feels that humor may save her from insanity in the long run. Readers might see the heart behind the sarcasm, because it takes a special person to want to change the world one person at a time.
Helpful Post: I apologize, but I’m probably going to sing.
The Masked AMHP
This social worker is an AMHP working in a rural England area who tries to explain his work in a variety of interesting and often humorous ways. This blog is an award-wining piece of work. Don’t be surprised if portions of this blog become a movie or at least a very witty British comedy.
Helpful Post: On Being Observed While Doing Your Job
The Zen Social Worker
A graduate student who has a history of forensic social work, Tim actively researches the fields of alternative and complementary medicine in his passion for helping others. Tim also is a yoga teacher, and he uses this skill as a therapeutic benefit.
Helpful Post: How Controversial is Yoga?
Socialwrker24/7: Eyes Opened Wider
This blog’s author is a social worker who concentrates on child welfare and mental health in a large city. Passionate about families, this blog is a way for the author to share social work experiences with equally passionate readers.
Helpful Post: Visitation Stress
Martin Webber’s blog
Martin Webber’s blog is one of the rare updated blogs about the gaps that exist between academic and practice fields of social work. Martin’s background is mainly academic, but he also has field experiences with adults with learning disabilities and with mental health problems.
Helpful Post: Blogging: An essential research engagement and dissemination tool?
Specialized Social Work
If you can think of a social work specialty, there is probably a website about it. From social work in rural communities to mental health, medical, geriatric, pediatric, and even oncological social workers have established presences online.
Association of Oncology Social Work
AOSW is a non-profit international organization that concentrates on the psychosocial care of cancer victims and their families as well as caregivers through the benefits of networking, education, advocacy, research, and resources. Their site offers information for families, and members have access to news and social networking tools.
Helpful Post: Tips for managing cancer and caregiving
Association of Pediatric Oncology Social Workers
The APOSW offers a platform to help clinicians grow a pediatric psychosocial oncology care network that advocates social work practice, research education, and program development. Benefits to members include awards, service recognition, and support through research and education.
Helpful Post: APOSW History
Contemporary Rural Social Work
An online journal devoted to the development of imparting information about rural social work, including promotion of excellence in rural practice, Contemporary Rural Social Work focuses on all aspects of the field. Sections within this journal include practice notes, book reviews, feature articles, and peer content.
Helpful Post: Volume III
National Rural Health Association
NRHA is a national non-profit membership organization that provides leadership on rural health issues. The website is a vital resource for information about mental health care in all rural areas across the U.S.
Helpful Post: Career Center
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
The AAHPM is an organization for “physicians caring for patients with serious illness.” Hospice and palliative care social workers and medical workers often work with clients who are near death, and this organization is devoted to spreading awareness and providing support to professionals in this field.
Helpful Post: History
National Rural Social Workers Caucus
This is an informal organization that has been active since 1976, and their main service is the annual National Institute on Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas. This group also promotes publication of rural social work projects and content, and facilitates scholarship with conference proceeding pulications and a professional journal, “Human Services in the Rural Environment.”
Helpful Post: The Rural Social Work Caucus; 1976 – 1984 — A History and Descriptive Analysis
Social Welfare and Visual Politics
This site presents research by professor Cara Finnegan about the influential journal “Survey Graphic,” which was an important purveyor of progressive thought on social matters during its years of publication.
Helpful Post: Essay
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
This government site has offered substance abuse and mental health services information for over two decades, helping many people who are excluded from the current health care system. SAMHSA provides leadership and devotes its resources to the public in hopes that these efforts will help to reduce the impact of substance abuse in the nation.
Helpful Post: Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness
Adoption Social Work NY
Leslie Zindulka, LCSW-R, has worked in the adoption field for almost twenty years, specializing in independent, agency, domestic and international adoption homes studies and placement. She imparts her vast knowledge about this field on this site.
Helpful Post: Faces of Adoption
The Declassified Adoptee
The author of this blog, an adoptee, has an amazing history of adoption within her family, which provides her with an insight into the adoption process and its ramifications. As a founder for several adoption groups and projects, she shares her valuable knowledge about the adoption process for any reader.
Helpful Post: I Want to tell you a Story of What I Overcame
Adoption Therapist Blog
Susan Branco Alvarado is a psychotherapist and counselor for families, children, and individuals who need help with adoption processes. Her blog focuses on her specialties in adoption counseling and therapy interventions.
Helpful Post: Adoption Counseling as a Specialty Area for Counselors
Little Things + Big Stuff
A social worker and her husband make the decision to adopt twin boys from Africa. Natalie also does foster care and adoption work, and her husband is a med student. She shares the “big stuff” on her blog as they work out their personal stories.
Helpful Post: Big Step #2
National Council for Adoption
The NCFA is an adoption advocacy non-profit organization that has promoted a culture of adoption since 1980. They devote their efforts to education, research and legislative action that promotes infant, foster care, and inter-country adoptive services.
Helpful Post: Adoption Out of Foster Care Overview
Adoptive Parents Committee
APC is the oldest adoptive parent group in North America, formed in 1955 by a small group of people. Today, over 1,500 member families belong to one of APC’s four chapters, working as advocates for humanitarian improvements in the adoption and foster care system.
Helpful Post: US Senate Responds to Russian Law Banning Adoption of Russian Children by American Families
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
AAMFT supports married couples and their children and advocates for their equal rights and claims to equal benefits, protection, and responsibility. This organization consists of marriage and family therapists who seek to resolve clinical issues that could affect the well-being of marital and family life.
Helpful Post: Federal, State and Private Payer Advocacy
American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
AAGP consists of almost 2,000 geriatric psychiatrists and other health care professionals across the globe dedicated to the mental well-being of older adults. They are committed to this goal through professional education, public advocacy, and career development for anyone in the fields of geriatric psychiatry and mental health.
Helpful Post: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
National Center on Elder Abuse
The NCEA serves as a national resource focused on prevention of elder mistreatment. This organization tailors its activities to meet the special needs of disadvantaged populations across the country, incorporating the latest technology to generate and share knowledge that can build a strong foundation against elder abuse and for prevention and intervention programs.
Helpful Post: Help for Elders and Families
National Council on Aging
NCOA serves as a national voice for older Americans and for the community organizations that serve them. Their mission is to improve older adult lives, especially those four million older adults with health issues and five million older adults in vulnerable and disadvantaged life situations.
Helpful Post: Our Impact
Geriatric Social Work Initiative
GSWI collaborates with social work programs, organizations, and other concerned funders and agencies to prepare workers who can help improve the care and well-being of older adults and their families. Their newest projects include an e-newsletter and a video that shares the research conducted by geriatric social workers across the country.
Helpful Post: The latest research and news in aging
California HIV/AIDS Research Center
This HIV/AIDS research program in California has provided start-up funds for over 2,000 cutting-edge research projects SINCE 1983, gaining leverage in bringing federal and private dollars to the state to help towards the prevention and treatment for HIV/AIDS.
Helpful Post: Collaborative HIV/AIDS Policy Research Centers
Mental Help Net
CenterSite offers this mental health and wellness education and advocacy resource to the general public, providing blogs, information, videos, and other tools to help practitioners and clients to learn more about this topic. Readers also can use this site to find therapists in their areas.
Helpful Post: Introduction to Autism
National Alliance on Mental Illness
NAMI is the largest grassroots mental health organization focused on building better lives for the nearly 60 million Americans who suffer from mental health conditions. They advocate for access to services and treatment, and they support research, and are committed to education for public awareness.
Helpful Post: Support and Programs
Child Welfare Information Gateway
If you’re concerned about child welfare, adoption issues, child abuse and neglect, and out-of-home care for children, Child Welfare Information Gateway may have the research and tools you need for advocacy. This U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agency provides free tools for anyone to use to help prevent and to report child abuse and neglect.
Helpful Post: Child Welfare Workload Compendium
National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect
NDACAN is devoted to facilitating secondary analysis of collected research data about child abuse and neglect. Their efforts provide information to more researchers as a means to develop an accessible and scientific method to explore child maltreatment issues.
Helpful Post: Contributing Data to the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect
Children’s Aid Society
The Children’s Aid Society serves New York’s neediest children and their families for over 150 years. Their projects focus on the child before it is born through high school years, and all aspects of that child’s development are addressed as well as services to parents to enable them to provide a stable household for that child.
Helpful Post: Special Initiative Programs
Court Appointed Special Advocates
CASA provided more than 77,000 volunteers in one year to help 234,000 abused and neglected children find safe shelter and permanent homes. Because there is a lack of volunteers for this children’s advocacy service, judges often assign the most difficult cases to these volunteers, who see each case through to the end.
Helpful Post: Evidence of Effectiveness
The Journey
Holly is a mother and wife and she authors this blog about her adoptions and about her non-profit adoption and foster care agency. This social worker is also vocal about her Christian faith and how it affects her social work.
Helpful Post: Christian Social Worker
Evangelicals for Social Action
ESA promotes social work through a Christian perspective, offering holistic programs that combine evangelism with social action through churches. They also use biblical scholarship combine with policy analysis to further economic and sexual wholeness and to promote racial and ecological justice.
Helpful Post: How do we put our faith into practice?
World Vision
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to worldwide community work to help the underprivileged and those children and families affected by natural disasters and conflict. Their mission extends into nearly 100 countries around the world.
Helpful Post: Advocacy and Raising Awareness
American Association of Christian Counselors
AACC is a Christian counselor resource, where biblical truth and psychosocial insights can be found to help individuals move from hurt to personal wholeness. Members receive a plethora of benefits that include preferred pricing, a plaque, and access to practical assistance such as member-discounted malpractice insurance programs.
Helpful Post: Membership Benefits
Bridge of Hope
Bridge of Hope is a Christian social ministry that reaches out to homeless single mothers and their children across the country. This program was founded in 2002, and today there are seventeen affiliate Bridge of Hope offices in eight states.
Helpful Post: A Bridge of Stories
Clinical Social Work Association
This organization is for clinical social workers, and it focuses on providing products, professional support, and national identity for the profession. This is an individual organization as of 2006, with a renewed ability to provide more effective and efficient services to its members.
Helpful Post: National Provider Identifier
American Clinical Social Work Association
Along with operating the credentialing American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work (BCD), ACSWA offers a new format for clinical social workers to blog, network, advocate, and conduct research. Membership costs range from student to new practitioner to non-certified and certified professionals.
Helpful Post: ACSWA: A New Community for Clinical Social Workers
Crisis, Grief, and Healing
This site and its growing content about crisis, grief, and healing, have been on the Internet since 1995. Tom Golden saw the need for this type of resource when his father died, and he has kept this popular site going now for almost two decades.
Helpful Post: Articles on Grief and Healing
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., in collaboration with Stanford University, provides a weekly blog that features papers from the Journal of Palliative Medicine. They also provide thoughts and opinions from the editor and expert panelists on why each paper was considered important to publish.
Helpful Post: Precious Moments: A Self Reflection of Intimacy at End of Life
Association for Death Education and Counseling
ADEC, also known as the Thanatology Association, is one of the oldest interdisciplinary organizations researching and writing about the field of dying, death, and bereavement. This organization also provides plenty of educational opportunities for their members, including a certification program.
Helpful Post: Body of Knowledge Matrix
School Social Work
Scott Carchedi is a grad student at Jane Addams College of Social Work. He is the founder and editor of this site, which focuses on topics found in school social work. His goal is to create an online community for workers in this field.
Helpful Post: Petition to Support Funding for School Social Workers
Addiction Search
Addiction Search is all about helping people find the tools they need for help with drug addiction, treatment, rehabilitation, and recovery. They offer resources such as a reference guide and information about treatment resources.
Helpful Post: SAD, The Onset of Depression in the Winter
Adolescent Health Working Group
AHWG is a local San Francisco organization that provides access to high-quality, culturally competent, and youth-friendly health services. They serve as an example of a working group with high priority on the local level for youth advocacy.
Helpful Post: Policy & Advocacy
Luke’s Army
Luke died in foster care, and his father became a watchdog, focusing on serious issues he found in government-run child protective services across the globe. Luke’s father offers this site, and with resources for Canada, Australia, the U.S., and the U.K.
Helpful Post: Walk a Mile in Luke’s Shoes and Tell Me How Perfect Your Child Protection System Is
Spare The Kids
Spare the Kids provides Black parents, families and communities with a full range of alternatives to corporal punishment and to reduce the number of children that end up in America’s child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
Helpful Post: Adoptees’ Fantasies About Birth Parents Can Be Good and Bad
Voice Today
Understand that child sexual abuse is a crime. VOICE Today is breaking the silence and cycle of child sexual abuse worldwide through The VOICE Movement, Prevention, and Healing programs for abuse survivors. Child Sexual Abuse is a silent epidemic. Join the VOICE Movement and help it break the cycle!
Helpful Post: The VOICE Movement
The Innocence Revolution
The Innocence Revolution aims at uniting and mobilizing societies worldwide to end child sexual abuse. This framework will promote, and provide access to, resources and service providers, support the education of communities, the protection of children, and healing for those adults who have suffered sexual abuse as children.
Helpful Post: What are some of the signs of Childhood Sexual Abuse?
Association of VA Social Workers
The Association of VA Social Workers encourages the development of comprehensive Social Work services to veteran beneficiaries through education and training, leadership, promotion, and the sharing of information to enhance the effectiveness of Social Work.
Helpful Post: About AVASW
General Resources
Whether you’re a new social worker looking for your first job or an experienced administrator reading up on the state of the profession, these sites have current information, news, job listings, and other useful content.
Mental Health America
All of us live with threats to our mental health, especially when dealing with stress, poor eating habits, and chronic overwork. MHA is America’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people live mentally healthy lives, educating the public on these issues and more and how they can affect our mental well-being.
Helpful Post: We Are Mental Health America!
Social Work Tech
If you are employed as a social worker or in a related field, this blog can keep you up to speed on the latest technology available to social workers. These tools can help you communicate faster and with more pertinent information with peers and with clients.
Helpful Post: Using Evernote to Retain Important Telephone Conversations
Social Work Policy Institute
SWPI serves a vital role in social work by examining issues that relate to social workers. This organization conducts research into various topics, such as how to serve people with complex needs, and how public organizations deliver health and human services.
Helpful Post: High Caseloads: How do they Impact Delivery of Health and Human Services?
National Association of Social Workers
NASW is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world, providing support and professional growth and development for its members. Their website contains a wealth of information, from blogs, policy information, practice and professional advice, and news in the field.
Helpful Post: NASW’s Continued Response to Sandy Hook
The Association for Community Organization and Social Administration
ACOSA keeps its members informed about the latest innovations in community and administrative practice. Their members-only portal provides organizers, activists, nonprofit administrations, students, educators, and anyone who seeks to build healthy communities a place for peer-related networking and information.
Helpful Post: Recent grants
The Social Work Podcast
Jonathan Singer, PhD, LCSW, provides a beneficial podcast for social workers that touches on topics that are near and dear to their hearts. Although this podcast is intended for those who work in the field, the friendly atmosphere and timely topics in these podcasts can find an audience among the general public.
Helpful Post: Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI): Interview with Jennifer Muehlenkamp, Ph.D.
Social Work News
As a busy social worker, you may not have time to read dozens of social work blogs or newsfeeds. This site is a remedy for time-crunched schedules, as its search engine checks dozens of news feeds across the globe every two minutes to provide you with the latest social work news at a glance in English, German, Spanish, and French.
Helpful Post: Criminal Justice News Category
Council on Social Work Education
SCWE is the sole accrediting agency for social work education in this county, serving as leaders in research, career advancement, and education. They ensure that the quality of social work education promotes justice and faculty development, and by advocating for social work education and research.
Helpful Post: Accreditation
Social Work Reinvestment Initiative
The goal of the Social Work Reinvestment Initiative is to secure federal and state investments in professional social work to enhance this country’s social well-being. The site carries information about the 112th Congress act, its tools, state action, a section on social work history, and a blog that keeps readers informed on progress.
Helpful Post: Social Work History
National Association of Black Social Workers
NABSW, formed during the socially volatile 1960s, has become the foremost advocacy group for the Black community’s social issues and concerns today. Members are included in over 100 chapters, with over 30 university and college student chapters located throughout the U.S. and the Caribbean.
Helpful Post: Preserving Families of African Ancestry
Society for Social Work and Research
SSWR, founded in 1994, is an organization dedicated to the advancement of social work research on social work practice and policy that promotes a just, diverse, and equitable society. More than 1,300 members across the globe are committed to improving support for research among social workers.
Helpful Post: SSWR National Research Capacity Building Initiative
International Federation of Social Workers
IFSW reaches across the globe to create a platform for social justice, human rights and social development. They represent over 750,000 professional social workers in their promotion of social work, best practice models, and the facilitation of international cooperation.
Helpful Post: Social Work Action in Spain
Social Work License Map
If you ever need a simple guide to social work licensure, Social Work License Map provides a path for your quest. They clarify the steps to licensure in your state, and they also provides news and advice about skills to help you land that social work position you crave.
Helpful Post: Social Media for Social Workers
The College of Social Work
The College of Social Work is a British organization that is run by social workers who seek to uphold professional development and growth. This is a new organization that provides its members with a public voice, strong leadership, and resources that can only strengthen this profession throughout England.
Helpful Post: Online debate with Prof Eileen Munro
Grief Challenges
Many grief sites exist online, but this site is different in that it marks the publication of Neil Thompson’s book, Grief and its Challenges, and it serves to help people understand loss and grief in an updated and friendly format. This is an excellent resource for professionals and for the general public.
Helpful Post: Tip of the Week
This UK website is dedicated to the promotion of well-being in the workplace, at home, and in the community. Relevant information at this site is free for anyone to use, including information on how to tackle discrimination and how to protect adults from abuse.
Helpful Post: Trauma in the workplace
Center for Financial Social Work – Learning Center
This mission of this site is to provide information and support for professionals to help others make long-term financial behavioral changes. The exciting tools that this center provides includes certification, a workbook, a learning center with growing resources, and other services that help individuals achieve a healthy perspective on finances.
Helpful Post: Understanding the “Personal” in Personal Finance
Jane Addams Hull House Museum
Jane Addams’ world-famous social settlement in Chicago, Hull-House, is honored by this museum website, along with the social movements that originated with the women who lived and worked in this community. Addams was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931, just four years before her death.
Helpful Post: Hull-House History On Call
Social Justice Solutions
A group of social workers from the Stony Brook School of Social Welfare created a forum for peers to promote the exploration of social welfare policy at this site. Their vision is to create a world where social workers hold political offices and are committed to bettering the lives of their constituents through these positions.
Helpful Post: Victim Blaming and Effecting Change
Syracuse Center For Peace And Social Justice
This center, located in Syracuse, New York, promotes collaboration among groups working for progressive change. Their mission is to provide capacity-building services as well as space for meetings, conferences, and workshops to help further synergy among the groups that meet there.
Helpful Post: Peace, justice groups to share site
Education for Justice
The Center of Concern, an independent organization that focuses on social analysis, theological reflection, research, education, and policy advocacy, founded this site to help teachers, social action directors, parish members, ministers, and other leaders to meeting the challenge of sharing Catholic social teaching and social justice issues.
Helpful Post: Catholic Social Teaching Overview
Center for Peace & Justice
Villanova University provides a Peace & Justice academic program that focuses on Catholic social teaching. The Center also provides programming and opportunities for active social engagement within and outside the Villanova community, as well as an informative website that provides information about the course, career opportunities, and the ability to interact with alumni.
Helpful Post: Journal for Peace & Justice Studies
Center for Public Justice
This independent, non-partisan organization is located in Washington, D.C., and it is dedicated to public policy research, leadership development, and public education. This organization holds a Christian-democratic perspective and their call for justice for all.
Helpful Post: Pluralism and Public Policy
Social Work Focus
Dr. Neil Thompson, a highly-respected author, presents a site that includes a blog that examines “people issues” to empower individuals and groups to reach their fullest potential. Learn how to deal with group dynamics, and help people deal with their problems through his expertise and insight.
Helpful Post: The Social Work Directory
Classroom to Capitol
Melinda Lewis, LMSW, provides a resource for social workers, instructors, and students that focuses on community organizing, policy analysis and advocacy, and organization development. Her goal — social justice — is evident in her updated and thoughtful blog articles.
Helpful Post: If we REALLY thought like a for-profit corporation
Association of Social Work Boards
The ASWB is all about licensing for social workers, and this site provides the ultimate resource for licensing exams and licensing. Learn all you need to know about taking the exam, its contents, and how to prep for that exam through this informative site.
Helpful Post: Study Guides
National Foster Parent Association
NFPA, established in 1972, is the ultimate resource for foster parents. This organization supports foster parents as they seek safety, permanence, and well-being for the children and youth under their care.
Helpful Post: Foster Parent Education
Team Social Work
Team Social Work is a globally active platform where organisations tell about their Social Projects, submit social jobs and meet Teamer – people that are interested in social jobs.
Helpful Post: Social Jobs