Many social workers choose a particular issue or population to concentrate their efforts on during their career. Each niche of social work has a very specific body of research and set of best practices associated with it. Working with clients who have suffered childhood trauma is much different from working with those who are overcoming addiction or coping with domestic violence. Every social worker should maintain a general knowledge of the intervention and treatment techniques that are most appropriate in a variety of situations.
The books in this collection cover many clinical social work topics in detail, but there are also books that take a more narrative approach to the subject matter. From textbooks to memoirs, these are books that every social worker should pick up at some point in their career. These are not being ranked or compared, but are rather being suggested as required reading for any well-versed social worker. They are just a sliver of the many resources social workers use every day.
General Social Work Practice
These books cover general social work practice and techniques that are effective in a variety of clinical social work settings.
Advanced Generalist Social Work Practice
This book describes an advanced generalist approach to direct social work practice with individuals, couples, families and groups. Intervention paradigms that include psychodynamic, cognitive/behavioral/communications, experiential/humanistic, existential and transpersonal are presented as the four sources of social work.
Author(s): David S. (Scott) DerezotesRead More About This Book
Practice Informed Research Methods for Social Workers
Practice Informed Research Methods for Social Workers advocates for techniques involving the internet and online work. The book is able to provide an impressive amount of supplementary content by having great hyperlinks.
Author(s): Teresa MorrisRead More About This Book
Days in the Lives of Social Workers: 58 Professionals Tell Real-Life Stories From Social Work Practice
Days in the Lives of Social Workers is a very valuable read that shows how social workers deal with the good and bad aspects of their job. Featuring stories from 58 professionals, the book is loaded with insights from across the profession.
Author(s): Linda May GrobmanRead More About This Book
Interprofessional Collaboration in Social Work Practice
Interprofessional Collaboration in Social Work Practices was designed with social workers and students in mind, but is positioned for widespread application. By focusing on social work issues, benefits, and challenges, the book presents content in a digestible manner.
Author(s): Karin CrawfordRead More About This Book
Collaborative Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention in Social Work Practice
Collaborative Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention in Social Work Practice is an easily accessible read that prompts individuals to get more involved with cognitive-behavioral therapy. This therapy is important for working through painful feelings and behaviors that are not desired ultimately.
Author(s): JacquelineRead More About This Book
Essentials of Testing and Assessment: A Practical Guide for Counselors, Social Workers, and Psychologists
Comprehensive and easy to read, this book introduces learners to the concepts and applications of assessment and testing.
Author(s): Edward S. Neukrug and R. Charles FawcettRead More About This Book
Cognitive-Behavioral Methods: A Workbook for Social Workers
This text increases students’ awareness that cognitive-behavioral interventions are helpful in a wide range of practice settings, not just private practice. Using numerous case examples and applications, students learn skills for assessing, planning, and implementing cognitive-behavioral interventions in practice.
Author(s): Jacqueline CorcoranRead More About This Book
Writing Skills for Social Workers
As an incredible reference tool, Writing Skills for Social Workers is the perfect way to develop better communication techniques for talking to clients, as well as working with superiors and colleagues. From case-notes to reports and proposals, it has very useful material to read from.
Author(s): Karen Healy and Joan MulhollandRead More About This Book
The Social Work Interview
The Social Work Interview has all the best content for teaching and learning in the field of social work. The book has been around for 25 years, but this update, the first in seven years, propels the publication to the forefront of the field.
Author(s): Alfred Kadushin and Goldie KadushinRead More About This Book
Stir It Up: Lessons in Community Organizing and Advocacy
Stir It Up, written by renowned activist and trainer Rinku Sen, identifies the key priorities and strategies that can help advance the mission of any social change group. It draws on lessons learned from Sen’s groundbreaking work with women’s groups organizing for economic justice.
Author(s): Rinku SenRead More About This Book
Self-Care in Social Work: A Guide for Practitioners, Supervisors, and Administrators
In the midst of helping others, we can often neglect ourselves, which is why Self-Care in Social Work is such a necessary read. Through the contemporary posts that explain how to reduce stress and refine self-maintenance techniques, the book has been able to help practitioners maintain clarity while helping others.
Author(s): Kathleen Cox and Sue SteinerRead More About This Book
Values-based Coaching: A Guide for Social Workers and Other Human Service Professionals
Values-Based Coaching stresses a particular approach to social work that incorporates techniques that are groundbreaking and focused on bringing about positive change. The book starts with a historical overview, but quickly moves on to the foundations of theory and useful skills.
Author(s): Marilyn EdelsonRead More About This Book
Economics for Social Workers
Economics for Social Workers helps convey an understanding of the basic concepts of economics so that social workers and aptly use this information to work with clients. Case studies look at job training, substance abuse centers, child protective therapy, and much more, all from an economic standpoint.
Author(s): Michael Lewis and Karl WiderquistRead More About This Book
DSM-5® Made Easy: The Clinician’s Guide to Diagnosis
DSM-5 Made Easy is an important book that presents all the most useful information related to DSM-5 in an understandable manner that doesn’t skimp on integrity. The useful publication also has the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale.
Author(s): James Morrison MDRead More About This Book
Social Work Documentation: A Guide to Strengthening Your Case Recording
Social Work Documentation details how to become a better social worker by providing this useful guide for improving case recording quality. The book is sure to underline why documentation is so crucial in this field as well.
Author(s): Nancy L. SidellRead More About This Book
The Community and the Social Worker
The Community and the Social Worker details the relationship that social workers have with families, and ultimately their communities. Since they’re uniquely positioned to help administer the crucial social change needed for a fabric of a community, it’s a very useful read.
Author(s): Phillip FellinRead More About This Book
Outside the Lines: A Personal Journey from Abuse to Social Work
Outside the Lines is an important story that explains how one woman was able to rise from poverty and abuse to a position as a successful social worker. Her experience has imparted her invaluable perspective on some of the most important issues facing individuals today.
Author(s): Karen WussowRead More About This Book
Clinical Assessment for Social Workers: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Third Edition
For social workers looking to improve skills related to clinical settings, Clinical Assessment for Social Workers is able to unite two opposing approaches that prompts multiple methods for client assessments.
Author(s): Catheleen Jordan and Cynthia FranklinRead More About This Book
Theory and Practice in Clinical Social Work – Second Edition
Theory and Practice in Clinical Social Work is one of the most comprehensive selections of reading material for social workers to excel in their position. The book’s detail and candor make it an integral read for maintaining professionalism in social work.
Author(s): Jerrold R. BrandellRead More About This Book
Theories for Direct Social Work Practice
Theories for Direct Social Work Practice has assembled an important list of eleven leading clinical practice theories that explain how to better assess, plan, and learn leading intervention techniques. While having a broad view of issues, the book also has exceptional details on each theory.
Author(s): Joseph WalshRead More About This Book
The Social Worker and Psychotropic Medication: Toward Effective Collaboration with Clients, Families, and Providers
The Social Worker and Psychotropic Medication gives insightful perspective on how to best assess and administer psychiatric medication management. The book also educates social workers on how to best address medication-related dilemmas.
Author(s): Kia J. Bentley and Joseph WalshRead More About This Book
Unfaithful Angels: How Social Work Has Abandoned Its Mission
Unfaithful Angels is an important read that details how social work has been derailed in recent years and details concepts related to individualism.
Author(s): Harry Specht and Mark E. CourtneyRead More About This Book
Beginnings, Middles, & Ends: Sideways Stories on the Art & Soul of Social Work
Beginnings, Middles, and Ends has a collection of useful stories that detail how a person may start something with one goal in mind, but ends up learning an entirely different set of information. The stories are inspiring and show how social workers will grow over the course of a career.
Author(s): Ogden W. RogersRead More About This Book
Real-Resumes for Social Work & Counseling Jobs
Real Resumes for Social Work & Counseling Jobs helps individuals who work in the field, or are looking to, craft a resume or cover letter in a manner that is intuitive to obtaining the job they want. Information in the book covers a variety of jobs, so it can be useful to many.
Author(s): Anne McKinneyRead More About This Book
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities
The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities has a model for connecting people and fostering lasting bonds. By beginning with core concepts and building on further aspects, the book conveys useful materials for all parties involved.
Author(s): Lawrence ShulmanRead More About This Book
Motivational Interviewing, Third Edition: Helping People Change (Applications of Motivational Interviewing)
Motivational Interviewing has gained renown for its ability to reframe integral issues and teach social workers how to empower individuals through discussion. The newest edition features some of the latest developments in research and more.
Author(s): William R. MillerRead More About This Book
Policy Analysis for Social Workers
Policy Analysis for Social Workers offers a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to understanding the process of policy development and analysis for effective advocacy.
Author(s): Richard K. CaputoRead More About This Book
Becoming a Social Worker: Global Narratives
Becoming a Social Worker is a compilation of stories that detail what it’s like to be a social worker around the world. The book is dense with what it’s like to be a social worker in places such as India, New Zealand, Nigeria, and the USA.
Author(s): Viviene CreeRead More About This Book
Social Work Practice: Concepts, Processes, and Interviewing
Social Work Practice is a dense read that has contemporary theories and useful research findings related to social work. It’s perfect for refining ways to work with clients.
Author(s): Marion BogoRead More About This Book
How NOT to Practice Social Work: Saving Good People From Bad Practice One Step at a Time
How NOT to Practice Social Work has developed useful techniques that can empower individuals to save time and avoid bad practices in the profession. Through emphasizing less effective techniques, the book hopes to open the door for lasting change in the field.
Author(s): Eva W. M. FordeRead More About This Book
A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory
A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory is written by a leader in the field and has an overview of the most important aspects of the profession. The style of writing is inviting and helps reinforce the information.
Author(s): David HoweRead More About This Book
Research Methods for Social Workers: A Practice-Based Approach
Research Methods for Social Workers is a great companion to any social worker looking to refine his or her research approach to be more effective in their position. Dense with theory, as well as practical application, the book showcases the best ways to delve into the latest methods.
Author(s): Samuel S. Faulkner and Cynthia A. FaulknerRead More About This Book
Research Methods for Social Workers (7th Edition)
Research Methods for Social Workers educates individuals on various elements of social work practice and is sure to elaborate on interesting research related to how to operate better in the profession.
Author(s): Bonnie L. Yegidis, Robert W. Weinbach and Laura L. MyersRead More About This Book
Policy Practice for Social Workers: New Strategies for a New Era
Policy Practice for Social Workers: New Strategies for a New Era is an insightful read that details how one social worker can excel in the field by being well-versed regarding policy-making. The book is perfect for learning extensively about lobbying, campaign-running, and building coalitions.
Author(s): Linda K. Cummins, Katharine V. Byers and Laura PedrickRead More About This Book
Social Worker as Researcher: Integrating Research with Advocacy
Social Worker as Researcher delves into the research and evaluation process of social work and how it can be applied to advocacy and better identifying problems and solutions.
Author(s): Tina Maschi and Robert YoudinRead More About This Book
Research Methods for Social Workers: An Introduction, 10th edition
Research Methods for Social Workers is an important read that explains how professionals can refine their skillset and better understand the issues clients are facing, thus improving methods for finding solutions.
Author(s): Richard M. Grinnell, Peter A. Gabor and Yvonne A. UnrauRead More About This Book
Psychopathology: A Competency-Based Assessment Model for Social Workers
Psychopathology teaches social workers and their clients to find the strengths in mental disorders, which can be empowering to addressing the less desired aspects of it as well.
Author(s): Susan W. Gray and Marilyn R. ZideRead More About This Book
Social Justice & Policy
Social justice and policy are important factors for social work at the macro level. Changing laws, especially regarding social safety-net systems, government funded housing, and other entitlements, have a major effect on social work as a field.
Social Policy and Social Justice (Social Work in the New Century)
Social Policy & Social Justice helps students understand U.S. social policy and the process surrounding it, which enables them to be the most successful practitioners possible. With information pulled from leading experts, it’s sure to satisfy the needs of any social work student.
Author(s): Michael ReischRead More About This Book
Foundations of Social Policy: Social Justice in Human Perspective
This book explicitly addresses the questions and dilemmas inherent in the pursuit of social justice. Organized into four parts (poverty, healthcare, mental illness and addiction), users develop a framework for analyzing policies and programs in terms of social justice and examine social justice from several philosophical perspectives. The topics lead up to the policy practice of social work in the future.
Author(s): Amanda Smith BaruschRead More About This Book
Human Rights and Social Justice: Social Action and Service for the Helping and Health Professions
Human Rights and Social Justice understands the place that human rights has within social justice and works to articulate the best approach to how to develop policies and practices that will be helpful to the profession.
Author(s): Joseph M. WronkaRead More About This Book
Social Justice and Social Work: Rediscovering a Core Value of the Profession
Social Justice and Social Work aims to refocus the ultimate goal of the profession back onto social justice and less on bureaucratic aspects that impede progress. The book emphasizes useful approaches such as amplifying the client voice and more.
Author(s): Michael J. (Jacob) AustinRead More About This Book
Advocacy Practice for Social Justice, Second Edition
Advocacy Practice for Social Justice is an interesting read and the author, Professor Richard Hoefer looks at the ethical imperative for social justice advocacy. By detailing how to establish a lasting relationship with a client, the book is able to lead the reader to develop a successful action plan as well.
Author(s): Richard HoeferRead More About This Book
Social Work, Social Justice, and Human Rights: A Structural Approach to Practice, Second Edition
Social Work, Social Justice, and Human Rights looks at social inequality and social problems in an approachable manner that also stresses contemporary issues. This updated version also includes elaboration on how social justice and human rights are connected.
Author(s): Colleen LundyRead More About This Book
Social Policy and Social Change: Toward the Creation of Social and Economic Justice
Social Policy and Social Change is a spellbinding text that illustrates how capitalism has an impact on social problems and policies. By examining the root causes of social problems, the book is able to frame issues in a contemporary light.
Author(s): Jillian A. JimenezRead More About This Book
Trauma & Violence
Trauma and violence can cause deep-seated emotional difficulties that lead many people to consult social workers. There are well established practices that social workers use to build rapport with victims of trauma or violence and help them work through their emotions.
Prostitution, Trafficking, and Traumatic Stress
As a leading publication to understand controversial pitfalls, Prostitution, Trafficking, and Traumatic Stress does a wonderful job at communicating the violence in these fields.
Author(s): Melissa Farley PhDRead More About This Book
Men’s Work: How to Stop the Violence That Tears Our Lives Apart
Men’s Work explains the violent acts that men often engage in and how we can address the problem at the root. The book makes useful points about society and how we can work through some of the most pertinent issues of our time.
Author(s): Paul KivelRead More About This Book
Childhood Victimization: Violence, Crime, and Abuse in the Lives of Young People
In this persuasive book, David Finkelhor presents a comprehensive vision to encompass the prevention, treatment, and study of juvenile victims, unifying conventional subdivisions like child molestation, child abuse, bullying, and exposure to community violence.
Author(s): David FinkelhorRead More About This Book
Violence Against Women: Current Theory and Practice in Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Exploitation
Violence Against Women delves into some contemporary issues related to why women have historically been subjected to violence disproportionately. The book emphasizes the most relevant examples to ensure progress can be made.
Author(s): Nancy LombardRead More About This Book
Early Intervention for Trauma and Traumatic Loss
This authoritative volume describes the state of the science of early intervention for trauma and traumatic loss across the lifespan and in a variety of contexts.
Author(s): Brett T. Litz PhDRead More About This Book
Children and Adolescents in Trauma: Creative Therapeutic Approaches
Children and Adolescents in Trauma presents a variety of creative approaches to working with young people in residential children’s homes, secure or psychiatric units, and special schools. The contributors describe a wide range of approaches and how creative methods are applied in cases of abuse, trauma, violence, self-harm and identity development.
Author(s): Chris NicholsonRead More About This Book
Trauma: Narrative Responses to Traumatic Experience
This wide-ranging, thoughtful and practice-based book provides clear explanations about how to use narrative ideas to respond to adults, couples and/or children who have endured traumatic experience.
Author(s): David DenboroughRead More About This Book
Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence–from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror
In Trauma and Recovery Judith Herman presents a model which describes in detail the healing process of people who struggle with a combination of problems related to unwanted, abusive, or traumatic experiences in their past.
Author(s): Judith HermanRead More About This Book
Introduction to Working with Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma: Techniques and Strategies
Introduction to Working with Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma takes a tactful approach to a very delicate subject matter and ensures that individuals feel comfortable. The book prompts social workers to try a variety of methods and helps individuals work through childhood trauma.
Author(s): Carolyn KnightRead More About This Book
Recovering from Genocidal Trauma: An Information and Practice Guide for Working with Holocaust Survivors
Recovering from Genocidal Trauma provides some of the most useful information for assisting individuals that have been subjected to genocide, with the book focusing on the Holocaust. The book is lush with useful examples.
Author(s): Myra GiberovitchRead More About This Book
A Practical Approach to Trauma: Empowering Interventions
A Practical Approach to Trauma knows that tact is an absolute necessity when working with individuals that have been subjected to extreme stress or violence. By working to conduct therapeutic interventions, lasting results can be achieved.
Author(s): Priscilla Dass-BrailsfordRead More About This Book
Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy with Trauma Survivors: Strengthening Attachment Bonds
Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy with Trauma Survivors addresses this important topic and tries to combat some of the detrimental impacts of trauma. Loaded with useful theories, this read can help social workers develop more astute understanding skills.
Author(s): Susan M. JohnsonRead More About This Book
Social Work and Family Violence: Theories, Assessment, and Intervention
Social Work and Family Violence focuses on child abuse, partner violence, and elder abuse- three incredibly important facets to social work today. Content in the book is designed to be applicable for both bachelor’s and master’s-level social work students.
Author(s): Dr. Joan McClennen PhDRead More About This Book
Introduction to Counselling Survivors of Interpersonal Trauma
Introduction to Counseling Survivors of Interpersonal Trauma gives fascinating perspective to how social workers can help those who have been through particularly rough experiences related to trauma. By outlining the long-term effects of it, as well as emphasizing confronting past experiences, it’s a great way to create a useful approach.
Author(s): Christiane SandersonRead More About This Book
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Child Trauma and Abuse: A Step-by-Step Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Child Trauma and Abuse underlines the long-lasting implications of childhood trauma and how young individuals can aptly work through it to lead successful lives as adults.
Author(s): Jacqueline S. FeatherRead More About This Book
Healing from the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Journey for Women
Healing from the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse is an informative book that looks at issues concerning sexual abuse in children and the long-term implications it often has. The book focuses on how to help women work through these issues and feel good about themselves again.
Author(s): Karen A. DuncanRead More About This Book
Addiction can be both a physical and a psychological phenomenon that has drastic effects on individuals, families, and communities. Addiction may be the primary reason for a person to start seeing a social worker, or may be the foundation for other systemic problems.
Sex, Drugs, Gambling & Chocolate: A Workbook for Overcoming Addictions
Sex, Drugs, Gambling, and Chocolate focuses on the elimination of addictive behaviors and provides a wealth of useful information on addiction and consequences. The book is useful for social workers and those struggling with addiction alike.
Author(s): A. Thomas HorvathRead More About This Book
Social Work with Substance Users
This engaging and comprehensive book explores social work with problematic substance use. Anna Nelson offers social workers new insight on the subject, helping students to understand the issue as it affects service users across a range of social work practice settings.
Author(s): Anna NelsonRead More About This Book
Alcohol, Other Drugs and Addictions: A Professional Development Manual for Social Work and the Human Services
Designed to prepare students for the realities of working with clients affected by addictions, this text provides the necessary tools needed to competently translate addictions theory into practice. It offers a thorough examination of a range of models and perspectives for helping, and it encourages critical thinking to best match approaches with clients and situations. Presented in a work-text format, this book is full of cases, exercises, role-plays, and questions that encourage comprehension of concepts and application to practice.
Author(s): Allan Edward BarskyRead More About This Book
Clinical Work with Substance-Abusing Clients, Third Edition
Clinical Work with Substance Abusing Clients is a must-read tool for learning the best approaches to addressing concerns with clients that are struggling with substance abuse problems. The book is constantly updated and works to allow social workers to be key components in helping individuals work through their issues.
Author(s): Shulamith Lala Ashenberg Straussner DSWRead More About This Book
Seeking Safety: A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance Abuse
There are numerous complexities to addressing PTSD and substance abuse, which is why Seeking Safety is such an important read. Backed with empirically-sound data, the book helps develop useful treatment approaches that will last a lifetime.
Author(s): Lisa M. NajavitsRead More About This Book
Social Work Practice in the Addictions
Social Work Practice in the Addictions articulates the unique obstacles faced by social workers looking to help individuals struggling with addiction. By formulating an empirical approach to addiction, they’ve been able to craft humanizing tactics that drive results.
Author(s): Michael G. Vaughn and Brian E. PerronRead More About This Book
Addiction and Change: How Addictions Develop and Addicted People Recover
Addiction and Change: How Addictions Develop and Addicted People Recover works to reframe how the public looks at those struggling with addiction and how to get about addressing problems related to it.
Author(s): Carlo C. DiClementeRead More About This Book
Scripting Addiction: The Politics of Therapeutic Talk and American Sobriety
Scripting Addiction: The Politics of Therapeutic Talk and American Sobriety explains all the most complicated aspects of addiction, language, sobriety, and how this information comes together. It details interesting aspects of addiction that often put others at odds with themselves.
Author(s): E. Summerson CarrRead More About This Book
The welfare system is often the target of political debate, and a massive population in the U.S. depends on the program for their daily life. This is a meaningful issue in the social work field, and one with a great deal of conflict surrounding it.
Understanding Legal Concepts that Influence Social Welfare Policy and Practice
The law plays an important role in influencing social welfare policy and social work practice. Court decisions in policy areas, whether the rulings are perceived as positive or negative, determine what social welfare policy is and what social workers do. By reading this book, social work students will gain a useful understanding of and application of key legal concepts that influence social welfare policy.
Author(s): Rudolph Alexander, Jr.Read More About This Book
Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation
Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation is a nationally recognized, best-selling text and unique website for US Introductory Social Work and Social Welfare courses. It provides students with the knowledge, skills, and values that are essential for working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and public policy in a variety of practice settings.
Author(s): Marla Berg-WegerRead More About This Book
From Pariahs to Partners: How Parents and their Allies Changed New York City’s Child Welfare System
From Pariahs to Partners: How parents and their allies changed New York City’s child welfare system
is the untold story of how parent advocates played a transformative role in changing the New York City child welfare system, relayed by a central figure in that change process: David Tobis.
Author(s): David Tobis, PhDRead More About This Book
Social Welfare Policy and Social Programs: A Values Perspective
This book takes the student beyond identifying, describing, and analyzing social welfare policies. Segal demonstrates how the myriad values of diverse groups in America have influenced current policies, and helps students recognize that analysis takes place through the lens of these often opposing values.
Author(s): Elizabeth A. SegalRead More About This Book
Saving Bernice: Battered Women, Welfare, and Poverty
Saving Bernice is a must-read for those looking to gain new perspective that uproots both conservative and liberal tendencies regarding abused women trapped in the cycle of poverty. Bernice details how she succumbed to the abuse cycle from her partner and how many other women fall prey to the same thing.
Author(s): Jody RaphaelRead More About This Book
Welfare covers one of the most controversial topics in America and uses history and useful contextual information related to public policy to explain what’s wrong with it and how to get it back on track. The book keeps a fresh approach that makes it useful for those involved in sociology, social policy, and even political science.
Author(s): Mary DalyRead More About This Book
Social Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Social Welfare, Social Issues, and the Profession
The rate technology is advancing is opening up exciting new avenues is social work, which is why Social Work in the 21st Century is such an important publication. The book gives a macro-view at the social systems that help and hinder individuals across the country.
Author(s): Morley D. GlickenRead More About This Book
Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare
Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare is an absolutely necessary read that depicts some of the most crucial problems related to ensuring children receive all the care needed in welfare situations. The book is sure to address some of the most pressing matters related to why children of color receive fewer services and are typically subjected to remaining in care longer.
Author(s): Marian S HarrisRead More About This Book
American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation’s Drive to End Welfare
American Dream tells the tale of three women and the struggles faced related to welfare. The compelling read focuses on how some families consistently lack the opportunity to succeed in America.
Author(s): Jason DeParleRead More About This Book
Some social workers choose to focus their efforts on the elderly, who have a unique set of social and personal issues to contend with as they age. This is an increasingly important branch of social work as the large baby boomer generation ages into retirement.
Social Work and Dementia: Good Practice and Care Management
Social Work and Dementia informs social workers on the best practices for individuals experiencing the ever-growing condition of dementia. The author is sure to outline where current procedures fall short and how to go about addressing them.
Author(s): Margaret Anne TibbsRead More About This Book
The Social Context of Ageing: A Textbook of Gerontology
This comprehensive text focuses on the social contexts of ageing, looking at the diversity of ageing and older people, and at different factors that are important to experiences of old age and ageing.
Author(s): Christina VictorRead More About This Book
Geriatric Mental Health Care: A Treatment Guide for Health Professionals
This essential guide is designed for mental health practitioners and primary care providers without advanced training in geriatric psychiatry. Gary J. Kennedy sets forth a clear framework for understanding the interplay of medical, psychological, and social factors in frequently encountered problems among older adults.
Author(s): Gary J. Kennedy MDRead More About This Book
Social Work Practice with Ethnically and Racially Diverse Nursing Home Residents and Their Families
Social Work Practice with Ethnically and Racially Diverse Nursing Home Residents and Their Families has important information for helping care for individuals who may be set into certain beliefs and are forced to interact with others in a nursing home setting as they enter their elder year. The book is critical for service providers working with a diverse clientele.
Author(s): Patricia KolbRead More About This Book
Social Work with the Aged and Their Families
Social Work with the Aged and Their Families has useful information for understanding the unique circumstances surrounding families looking to work with their elders. Social workers are often put into situations where they have to help mediate between elderly individuals and their loved ones.
Author(s): Roberta R. GreeneRead More About This Book
Social Work with Older Adults (4th Edition)
Social Work with Older Adults details the unique struggles that elderly individuals face and how a much younger social worker can still employ skills to seem relatable while assisting these other individuals.
Author(s): Kathleen McInnis-DittrichRead More About This Book
Clinical Gerontological Social Work Practice
Clinical Gerontological Social Work Practice makes a valuable read for professionals who work with older or elderly individuals. Through a program that emphasizes a combination of theory, technique, advocacy, and more, it’s able to redefine how social workers interact with older adults.
Author(s): Robert YoudinRead More About This Book
More Social Work Topics
There are too many branches and sub-sections of the social work field to even count, and there are books covering every one of them. Moreover, there are non-clinical books that offer just as much insight into social work issues as the textbooks do. Memoirs and biographies of social work pioneers are also must-reads, as well as narrative accounts and a whole world of other styles of presentation for the many poignant human stories that social workers encounter. These books cover the whole range of social work experiences.
Jane Addams: Spirit in Action
Jane Addams is an important part of history, namely for her contributions to civil justice. As the founder of numerous organizations, including the NAACP, the story of her life helps inspire other to enact the social change they wish to see.
Author(s): Louise W. KnightRead More About This Book
Doing What Works: An Integrative System for Treating Eating Disorders from Diagnosis to Recovery
In Doing What Works, Abigail Horvitz Natenshon fills the gaps that currently exist in professional education and practice and in the general understanding of what sets eating disorder diagnosis and treatment apart from other disorders. The author, a psychotherapist with 40 years of experience treating eating disorders in patients of all ages with a specialty in working with children and families, speaks to health professionals and parents as pivotal advocates for the child in treatment and recovery.
Author(s): Abigail Horvitz NatenshonRead More About This Book
Allies at Work: Creating a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Inclusive Work Environment
Allies at Work details the personal struggles and daily challenges of numerous LGBT people to underscore the need for straight allies to actively pursue and work toward creating equality in the workplace.
Author(s): David M. HallRead More About This Book
Three Little Words: A Memoir
An inspiring true story of the tumultuous nine years Ashley Rhodes-Courter spent in the foster care system, and how she triumphed over painful memories and real-life horrors to ultimately find her own voice.
Author(s): Ashley Rhodes-CourterRead More About This Book
Out Law: What LGBT Youth Should Know about Their Legal Rights
Out Law details the most important things that LGBT youth and teenagers should know to ensure full expression of their legal rights. Since LGBT individuals are regularly discriminated against, this book makes an impressive read for all.
Author(s): Lisa KeenRead More About This Book
The Bully Society: School Shootings and the Crisis of Bullying in America’s Schools
The Bully Society underlines how imperative it is to double efforts related to social work in schools to help reduce bullying, along with school shootings. By taking an approach that looks at gender and sexuality, the book is able to delve into important issues that outline reasons children are bullied.
Author(s): Jessie KleinRead More About This Book
LGBT-Parent Families: Innovations in Research and Implications for Practice
LGBT-Parent Families is the first handbook to provide a comprehensive examination of this underserved area. Reflecting the nature of this issue, the volume is notably interdisciplinary, with contributions from scholars in psychology, sociology, human development, family studies, gender studies, sexuality studies, legal studies, social work and anthropology.
Author(s): Abbie E. Goldberg and Katherine R. AllenRead More About This Book
Social Work and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People: Making a Difference
Broadening the agenda for social work, Julie Fish provides an in-depth survey of how social workers involved with lesbian, gay, bisexual, or trans people can provide appropriate care across the lifespan, including working with children and older people.
Author(s): Julie FishRead More About This Book
Social Work Practice with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People
Social Work Practice with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People is a regularly updated book that aims to equip social workers with all the information needed to help these individuals that are regularly discriminated and experiencing crises involved identity and even bullying.
Author(s): Gerald P. MallonRead More About This Book
Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue
Transgender 101 explicates an incredibly complex issue and provides concise and easy-to-understand examples. It’s great for those not well-versed in transgender culture and are looking to refine their knowledge.
Author(s): Nicholas M TeichRead More About This Book
Advances in Social Work Practice with the Military
With the United States’ involvement in numerous combat operations overseas, the need for civilian social workers with the clinical skills necessary to work with members of the military returning from combat, as well as their families, has never been more critical. In this practical and important book, each chapter is written by specialists in a particular area devoted to the care of service members and includes case material to demonstrate assessment and intervention approaches.
Author(s): Joan BederRead More About This Book
The Life and Thought of Louis Lowy: Social Work through the Holocaust
The Life and Thought of Louis Lowy details the struggles and passion to overcome that was exhibited during the Holocaust as a social worker. While not always heartwarming, it’s honest and captivating.
Author(s): Lorrie Greenhouse GardellaRead More About This Book
A Trick of the Light
A Trick of the Light tries to bring greater awareness to the issues faced by young men with eating disorders and how to help them get back into healthy diets. Because of social pressures regularly imposed on men, this book highlights how to help them.
Author(s): Lois MetzgerRead More About This Book
Group Work With Adolescents
Group Work With Adolescents makes it easier to understand the particularities of working with young individuals and how to best go about being an effective social worker with them.
Author(s): Andrew MalekoffRead More About This Book
Transgender Emergence
Transgender Emergence is a set of guidelines for social workers to best assist gender-variant individuals. The informative content of the book ensures that social workers can assist transgender individuals with tact.
Author(s): Arlene Istar LevRead More About This Book
Confronting Injustice and Oppression: Concepts and Strategies for Social Workers
Confronting Injustice and Oppression looks at the roots of injustice and makes a great read for working through these issues. This insightful read delves into the intricacies of social action and how social work can be an integral part to solving issues related to oppression.
Author(s): David G. GilRead More About This Book